First Impressions of Bibble on Ubuntu Linux

Well, I downloaded and installed a copy of Bibble Pro onto my Ubuntu box tonight. First impressions after it was installed wetre - (i) GUI much better than any thing else that I've seen so far (2) all the relevant tools and options were easily visible which was good and (3) seemed pretty snappy. So far so good - which isn't too suprising becuase of the Mac and windows ports. The not so good so far - the first attempt at working on a RAW file - just zooming into 100% caused the machine to core dump 2 files approx 400MB and caused a load average of 12 for approx 5 mins while Ubuntu was creating the core files. Not a very good start but I will continue.
My ubuntu machine is getting on Dual PIII 550's/756MB RAM/3 UW LVD SCSI HD's.
My ubuntu machine is getting on Dual PIII 550's/756MB RAM/3 UW LVD SCSI HD's.
BTW Harjtt. Though I can undstand your previously stated frustration with Gimp it's not all that bad once you've spent a bit of time with it. But I suspect that anything that can do justice to a full-size photo file, Gimp and Bibble included, really wants over a gig of memory to be really happy.
Hi Guys
Well, I've spent the last few days working with Bibble - its just been very frustating having to watch the app just randomly lock up and create a core dump nearly everytime you attempt to use it. Its causing load averages of 12 and the OS just basically stops responding on eth machine with no other apps running. Bibble loosk to have potential but until they can resolve the performance issue and the random crashes its no good. In the meantime I'm goign to see if I can dig out some extra RAM for the machine but I doubt whether that will help. Bibble definetly has a memory leak as you can see the available RAM just diseappear and the OS starts to swap out like crazy. Not good. In the meantime I'll have to try the GIMP again
You can get a version of gimp that has the GUI redesigned and tools renamed to make it look and act like photoshop! maybe worth a look? think its calles gimpsghop
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A few months ago I installed a trial copy of Bibble pro on OpenSuse 10.2 and it ran great. I've got a Ubuntu box at home now, I'll try putting Bibble on it and see what happens.
Maybe I missed it, but what version of bibble and what computer specs do you have?
edit: I see your computer specs now. You have a dual core processor? Do you have the linux smp kernel installed?
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I have seen you all over that forum :-) Howdy neighbor
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Never mind...
I forgot my Ubuntu box is ancient. 128 MB RAM with a 10 GB drive. Not a very good machine to be processing raw files on