
couple pics of my family i took

akhoopesakhoopes Registered Users Posts: 83 Big grins
edited February 9, 2007 in People



Bill Hoopes, USN
Stationed on the USS Roosevelt, CVN 71 Baby
I Shoot with canon gear.

"Sometimes it's easier to do the right thing, then it is to do nothing at all"


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    OwenOwen Registered Users Posts: 948 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    Well exposed! thumb.gif
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    SenecaSeneca Registered Users Posts: 1,661 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    Very very nice. thumb.gif
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    illuminati919illuminati919 Registered Users Posts: 713 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    Owen wrote:
    Well exposed! thumb.gif

    If Owen says its well exposed, then it is.

    I think these are very nice shots. The last two are a little centered but thats ok.

    Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
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    MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    "Boy getting up" is great! The family one is very sweet.

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    SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    akhoopes wrote:

    Heyyyyyyyy your a good looking bunch aren't you thumb.gif
    Nicely done, your whole family is very photogenic ... Skippy
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"

    ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/

    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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    akhoopesakhoopes Registered Users Posts: 83 Big grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    thank you all very much, ive been takng pics for about 8 months now so its been quit a learing curve, thanks for all your comments
    Bill Hoopes, USN
    Stationed on the USS Roosevelt, CVN 71 Baby
    I Shoot with canon gear.

    "Sometimes it's easier to do the right thing, then it is to do nothing at all"
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    ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    What a beautiful family you have! The colors, expressions and lighting all look very nice. Well done!


    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
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    akhoopesakhoopes Registered Users Posts: 83 Big grins
    edited February 3, 2007
    Elaine wrote:
    What a beautiful family you have! The colors, expressions and lighting all look very nice. Well done!


    thank you, you can view more of my work at my website


    if you like thanks so much for all your kind remarks
    Bill Hoopes, USN
    Stationed on the USS Roosevelt, CVN 71 Baby
    I Shoot with canon gear.

    "Sometimes it's easier to do the right thing, then it is to do nothing at all"
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    DavidSDavidS Registered Users Posts: 1,279 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2007
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    pahlpahl Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2007
    Wow, very nice. Ones to put on the wall for sure.

    Pentax istDL
    10-17mm fish-eye
    18-55mm kit lens
    Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
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    com3com3 Registered Users Posts: 423 Major grins
    edited February 9, 2007
    kids+wife are very adorable. :)
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