5th grade basketball
Would love some input on these. Let me have it, good and bad. 









Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Crop tighter
WB is way off , Shot Raw and adjust or set custom WB for gym your shooting in
Nikon 50mm 1.8D
Sigma 120-300 2.8
Sigma 70-300-4-5.6
my Galleries
I even switch to tungstun WB to see the difference in a couple photos and that left everything blue looking.
I even reset the custom WB a couple different times and between games and it kept coming out the same.
thanks for the reply,
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Just what are you looking at in the photos I posted that tell you the WB is way off?
I think the white and blue colors the boys are wearing look right on, but the gym floor and walls look funny along with skin tones.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
says that (larger) tungsten starts around 3000K. What about using a white card in the room in question or one of those WB lens cap things? In case I am all wet, I apologize in advance.
Thanks for the link..
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Maybe it would make a difference if I hold it out in front of me in the same direction that I am taking the photos.
Just a thought...
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
Oh yea - and have fun....To me that is the most important thing.
RAW it is. Next game is Tuesday night so I will give RAW a try.
I played around with RAW a bit before and it seems like a lot of work, lol..
Guess I just need to learn how to work with RAW better and start using it more.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
That is an interesting point. I haven't done much with custom WB but thought I might today. This is the first snow of the season to last past noon (its only the second), and I thought I might try to get out and take a few pictures. For other things I have shot raw and fiddled with it in the converter. I have read that taking a shot of clean snow to set the WB avoids the blue cast problem. As for the raw converter, different ones produce different results sometimes. Generally speaking, I like what Raw Shooter does better than CS2.
Raw Shooter is what I have been playing around with too. It seems much better then the pentax software I got with the camera.
This is what I am going to try at Tuesday's game.
convert to 16bit tiff
save as .jpg
download to smugmug.
It's going to be more steps then I have been taking before, but if it gets me better photos then I am all for it.
Pentax istDL
10-17mm fish-eye
18-55mm kit lens
Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]
I think you've got the hang of getting good action, and, as others have mentioned, once you've got the WB down, it'll really help. But definately crop tighter. It'll have a huge affect on the impact of your shots.
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)