New Website Design

Hello all!!
After designing this for about two hours, I finally have one last website upgrade/change! Please let me know whatcha think. The page I am concerned with is the contact us page (in dreamweaver the form is at the bottom of the webpage, however in MY browser the form is in the correct location). Just curious if everyone sees the form in the right place, and what they thought. As of writing this the slideshow galleries are being written, but they might be up when you see the site.
Thanks everyone!!
After designing this for about two hours, I finally have one last website upgrade/change! Please let me know whatcha think. The page I am concerned with is the contact us page (in dreamweaver the form is at the bottom of the webpage, however in MY browser the form is in the correct location). Just curious if everyone sees the form in the right place, and what they thought. As of writing this the slideshow galleries are being written, but they might be up when you see the site.
Thanks everyone!!
Josh Westbrook
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Looks clean. The form is in the center right for me in FF1.5
Basic but makin' changes
Good Luck
Food Photography How-to site
Self-Proclaimed Photography SEO Guru
Commercial Photography How-to site
Some text doesnt fit on/in my browser, for eample under 'studiportraits'
I see
"Here is a simple slideshow, of some select studio portraits. Please remember, these are just t
of our style and are small to keep the site quick loading. Enjoy the photos!"
Yes I could resize my browser but... the text could also be reined in a bit?
This actually happens on all pages!
makes it very frustrating to read for me your menu bar on the left is FAR too wide, should be at least half that, which would allieviate the text problem.
I do like the choice of colours and fonts but at the mo its not nice for me personally to browse!
using IE on a 15" monitor at 1024x768.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Atlanta, GA
1. Slow connections can't see anything as your images load because that's where the text is.
2. No SEO - you've got metadata, which is great, but metadata has been abused so badly that it's near worthless to search engines. The most important information to search engines is your content, and right now your pages look practically empty to search engines because your content is inside images. Images should be sparingly used for text. At the very least, the images should have alt attributes.
3. Painful future updates. Without a system in place that separates content from presentation, you're making future iterations of your site more difficult to accomplish.
hi Josh,
I'm not going to sugarcoat this - that wouldn't help you much - but I think your site needs a major redesign.
As an overall comment, there are waaaaay too many words on your site. As a photographer, your product is your photographs, which speak much louder than words. The image on your home page is lovely, why not let it speak for itself? Make the picture as large as possible, with some simple menu tabs like "portraits", "weddings", "info", and "contact".
You don't need to say "weddings. we have done quite a few weddings! Select some images". Instead, just have a simple tab that says "weddings". your potential customers will know what to do.
Take a look at this site: . then on the table of contents, under "select wedding clients", look at the sample sites from these wedding/portrait photographers. That's what you should be striving for. Hope this helps and best of luck,