Challenge #30- Brett

Here's my 3 pictures for criticising. I had a hard time with this one, few ideas, little time since exams are starting up very soon.
I saw my cat relaxing and figured I'd take a few pictures (actually 30) and see what comes out of it.I took them on January 16th 2005.
So here it is or here they are.
Redone: Well, I took the advice and did a reshoot for the "Watching" photo. I find this one turned out alot better. Let me know.
I saw my cat relaxing and figured I'd take a few pictures (actually 30) and see what comes out of it.I took them on January 16th 2005.
So here it is or here they are.
Redone: Well, I took the advice and did a reshoot for the "Watching" photo. I find this one turned out alot better. Let me know.

Challenge 26 Winner "In Your House" :deal
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
I love the coloring and the idea! The chair leg is a little distracting on the picture on the left. Also, the cat seems to be a little dark. Would it be possible to reshoot?
It's a nice series, and I like the selective colouring. But I was examining the series and I got intent on the first photo. The neck of the cat follows the line of the chairleg, do you have some more line symmetry shots with your cat? That would make a cool series I bet!
Jus' my €0.013 (about $0.02
Michiel de Brieder
I had to look back at the first post to see that you changed the picture. I wish you had left the first one there and posted the new one at the end. That way people could compare. I really like the new set. You did a great job removing the distractions. The closer in head shots look great. It's late and I have to get to bed so I can't add anything really constructive right now. I'll look back in tomorrow. Good job.
Oh, I thought of an idea. Maybe you could use the dodge tool to brighten up the face in the second and third shots. Seems a little in the shadow. Could use a little sparkle in the eyes in the center shot. Just a thought.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog