Can we please upload RAW files
I had a rush job and my client needed the RAW NEF files for their campaign. I was notified on Friday afternoon that I needed to be in another part of the state by the morning and they needed the files by Saturday afternoon. They did not have an FTP capability and I could not upload the raw files to my smugmug account... ended up having to e-mail one file at a time to them (6 e-mails total) uhg. Could this be done??? Advertising agencies are not interested in large JPGs, and TIFFs are not really a viable option. Any other ideas?
Just take the picture
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Just take the picture

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Oh wait, I do! David's suggestion, and also Google Pages:
Hope this helps!
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There are also several "online locker" services that just sell you the storage space and you use their site to access it.
nice idea... I have not heard of them before. How secure is the site? and how does it work? Does it put a link in there to yousendit wich has the attachment?
Just take the picture
Pictures are at available at:
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Yeah, it sends a link, the other party can download from there.
There are other, similar, services, too.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops -- A pricey solution to your problem for sure. But those that use it swear by it. You have to be generating some serious revenue to justify their fees though. I don't personally use them.
A second alternative is a .mac account (yes, Windows users can get one as well) and use the iDisk feature for this. Cheap, but not very flexible. You can password protect the public directory in your account, but you cannot assign different passwords to different folders. Meaning you could not upload images for Client A in one folder, Client B in another, and give them different passwords. One for all. But its cheap, easy, and has other benefits as well. I do use .mac myself.
A former sports shooter
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I have used this several times when I needed to get a large file to a customer. Best part - it's free.
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other options would be for you to get some webspace. ( $24/year for more space and monthly bandwidth that you can possibly use with photos. Its also a nice way to put a non-SM front end on your galleries (see my page).
Hey guys - should we be talking 'DNG' rather than 'RAW'???
of VHS or Betamax etc
- WHY does sony always have to jam a spanner in the works???
Adobe has been WAY ahead in providing RAW support and is the market leader, so not to support DNG sounds like plain contraryness to me
Not quite sure I follow you there. OpenRAW is not a Sony thing, it's a proposed open standard to replace the proprietary raw formats we have today. It's an alternative to DNG, one that would not see ownership move from the Canons and Nikons to Adobe, but keep it... well open.