I'm certainly no expert, quite the opposite actually. I do believe however that I better represent an average consumer who when looking through a magazine might stumble across a shot like this in an add of some sort. That being so, I find the picture and its feel very pleasing. (And, yes, you're wife's quite attractive but that's not exactly my meaning.) I feel that against the black backdrop that her dark hair might be too lost or hidden without the hairlight.
If I were a customer reviewing the results of a studio portrait shoot, I would be very pleased with shots like this. I think it's very nice work and frankly can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing the captures here.
My job here is done!
If I were a customer reviewing the results of a studio portrait shoot, I would be very pleased with shots like this. I think it's very nice work and frankly can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing the captures here.