
saw this today, in a magazine somewhere. I'm not planning on getting one, but was just curious if anyone has/uses one and what how well it 'sticks'?
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
No, seriously, that's the kind of stuff I study - viscoelastic fluids is right in my phd thesis title (yeah, I'm cool, I know
I just wonder how heavy it is. Some of our fancy "goo" can be pretty dense. & smugmug
This and the Gorilla-pod are both cool
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I do know the gorillapod actually, looks pretty cool. & smugmug
"Toy" being an operative word... All the "pods" I've seen and played with for the last few years and good for two things: get some some "ooohs" and "aaahs" from the boobs and maybe hold a subcompact long enough to get your extended family position themselves in front of it. None could hold 20D-like body with a mid-size even on the even surface. I can only imagine how Harry gonna use it with his 600mm..
Another funny thing about these "pods" - most of them a suitable for ultra-compacts only, and the whole reason of having ultra-compact is to not carry a bunch of stuff with it. And those pods are fairly large (gorilla pod being the only one that is relatively small and sturdy enough to hold something like DSC-H5 steadily)
So, I'm with Scott on this one
Just sayin'
For example, let's look at my dear ol' mother:
balanced on the back seat of the motorcycle
propped up in the middle of the road by the lens cap
would she love the goo-pod? you betcha!
I thought I said just that: OK for mid and small P&S especially for subcompacts (although defy the compactness factor), no so good for larger P&S (Sony 828/R1 type), and not good at all for dslr with their large bodies and heavy long lenses...
*drool* mmmm - hambuger pod :eat :burger
-Fleetwood Mac