Bodies In Motion

Let me know your thoughts on which you like the best. All the same but different

A Different Version Of The Same

Black And White Sort Of

THanks for looking and possibly adding some thoughts. I appreciate it. Have a great day.
SOme additonal photographs for your thoughts


A Different Version Of The Same

Black And White Sort Of

THanks for looking and possibly adding some thoughts. I appreciate it. Have a great day.
SOme additonal photographs for your thoughts

Number three is a nice effect(how did you do it) but doesnt work on this pic for me, I think this effect would look great if it were one girl filling the shot.
Number 1 looks dull compared too 2 and really suffers because of the background.
My www. place is
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I agree with the fact that the background sucks. It was the best of the two choices. Either show it like this or show the empty stands, and the client empasized no empty stands!
All entries should be PG rated - this is dgrin, a place we like to keep family friendly. As I have pointed out however, to Jamoke in another thread, we're photographers and artists, so we should have a fair liberal view of PG-rated.
That's my long way of saying, I'm editing your title - no need for it.
carry on
Have you considered cropping it as a mock-pano and getting rid of most, if not all, of the background? Or some judicious cloning?
I'll bet the cheerleaders love this picture - and the team too!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I agree with the others that tthe B&W is a bit overcooked.