EagleTrek SD-CF, Anyone tried it?

So I have about 4Gigs of SD cards sitting around from various PDA's and cameras. I don't want them to go to waste on my new camera so I found this. http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/review/eagletec_sd_to_cf_ii_card_adapter_review And I was wondering if anyone had any experience with anything like this. I'm sure it probably slows down the transfer rate a little, but for regular shooting that isn't too big of a deal to me. My main thing is, will it work?
Well, here would be one good reason to use it, assuming the transfer rates are pretty good. You can get a 150x pqi 1GB SD card from Newegg for $9. The cheapest CF card of 1G and that has a write speed over 100x is $20. While the difference may not seem like a lot...it is!
Well, here would be one good reason to use it, assuming the transfer rates are pretty good. You can get a 150x pqi 1GB SD card from Newegg for $9. The cheapest CF card of 1G and that has a write speed over 100x is $20. While the difference may not seem like a lot...it is!

Lol, will do!! I figure if I get this not only can I use my existing SD cards, when places run mad sales on either kind of memory (CF or SD or MMC) I can get it for dirt cheap and still be able to use it. Not to mention my p&s camera uses SD, so it's not like we can't use the memory elsewhere. I'll probably order it tonight, hopefully will be here next week sometime.
Hmm, I had not realized there was already a thread about this earlier.
If an admin wants to merge these two I won't feel bad!