Monitor Calibration Software

I'm kind of in a bind. Last year I purcfhased the Spyder2express software that came with the device for calibrating my monitor. It worked great. Last month I got a new monitor and formatted my system. Now for the life of me I can't find that box for the software, which had the seral # for the software in it! I'm wondering if there is any software that would work using the Spyder2 ColorVision device, but which is free. Because nedless to say i don't want to pay for this twice!!
Edit: Nevermind, I found what I was looking for, thanks anyway!
Edit: Nevermind, I found what I was looking for, thanks anyway!

Isn't there any info with the Spyder on Printer Calibrating.......also you will want to get profiles for the paper ypour going to use for you printer and since I have nothing calibrated at this time I don't know where to point you,,,,,,,,,,
Once I have the paper ICC profile do I enter that profile into photoshop before I print, and then turn off printer color correction? Sorry bout all the questions, just trying to get this straightened out before my camera arrives next week!
Ok, I think I got it. I downloaded ICC profiles for each type of paper I use, and then set up the printer and photoshop to deal with the profiles like my printer manual states. I guess that's it for now.