Support for long dgrin posts

More than once (many more times than once) I've written a long dgrin post only to have it disappear into the bit bucket. Mostly this has been my fault: I might have forgetten to open a new tab before checking the news or following a link from email. At least once, I think dgrin timed out when I left a long post half written while I went to the beach.
What about a "draft" feature. A long post could be saved as a draft before actually being posted? Or what about a feature to import html from a text file or a URL?
What about a "draft" feature. A long post could be saved as a draft before actually being posted? Or what about a feature to import html from a text file or a URL?
If not now, when?
For inserting images I use the tags "
Although a draft feature would be a nice solution also. &
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sometimes the 'net blows a cork, and i've lost long posts, too... i learned early on when doing the challenge posts etc., to make my draft in word or notepad.. any text editor will do really.... that way, i won't fall to the vagaries of a bad connection or other malfunction
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Draft would be nice.. Otherwise - do the homework in your favorite WP and then make an instant post..
Hi GSPep!
This is actually the best way to do it, except I'd recommend a simple text editor or an email client to compose in. Also, don't use the "preview" button...sometimes that goes haywire.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Bottom line is that dgrin uses bought software, not something we wrote, so we're loathe to make changes to it. (It's really poorly written, and we need to be able to patch it easily when new versions come out).
So I'm afraid you're stuck making your own text copies locally, either by using notepad/wordpad/textpad/Word/whatever, or do like I do and copy everything to the clipboard before hitting submit.