There is a movement toward "backyard generation". If we'd all take on the responsibility for generating our own power, the towers wouldn't be needed. (Ya, right!) Now back to photography...
I like the man-made, engineered geometry blended with the natural randomness of the sunset and clouds. Nice shot.
One nit that I can't alwasys figure out either. Did you try to play with crops, perspectives, lenses or camera angles to straighten the tower? It's usually a game between having the hoizon level or the tower straight.
There is a movement toward "backyard generation". If we'd all take on the responsibility for generating our own power, the towers wouldn't be needed. (Ya, right!) Now back to photography...
I like the man-made, engineered geometry blended with the natural randomness of the sunset and clouds. Nice shot.
One nit that I can't alwasys figure out either. Did you try to play with crops, perspectives, lenses or camera angles to straighten the tower? It's usually a game between having the hoizon level or the tower straight.
I say again, nice shot.
I didn't play with crop, perspective, lenses or camera angles during pre or post processing. I was just getting ready to pull out of the parking lot where my customer business puts him right along the L.A. River (Sewage Wash), where I just reached behind the seat and took the photo out the window of my SUV. I already had my 28-75 2.8 on my 30D and bracketed my shoots.
glad you like the shot, it was interesting when I took it.
Next week, before I do some work at Stanford University, I'm gonna pay a visit to Nanosolar ( in Palo Alto, and see these flexible solar panels made from "copper-indium-gallium-diselinide" powder that's PRINTED on the stainless steel matrix. These things are supposed to pay themselves off in "1-2 months". And with their vision of "a solar panel on every building", and with me living in Arizona, I'd be daft not to pay a visit:D
There is a movement toward "backyard generation". If we'd all take on the responsibility for generating our own power, the towers wouldn't be needed. (Ya, right!) Now back to photography...
I like the man-made, engineered geometry blended with the natural randomness of the sunset and clouds. Nice shot.
One nit that I can't alwasys figure out either. Did you try to play with crops, perspectives, lenses or camera angles to straighten the tower? It's usually a game between having the hoizon level or the tower straight.
I quite like it - I'm big industrial type shots and you caught the light at the perfect time. Too bad the sun wasn't shining through an oil rig; that would've really completed the trifecta!
Those towers are such an ugly sight, but unfortunately a needed.
You got a nice colourful sky in your shot .......... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I like the man-made, engineered geometry blended with the natural randomness of the sunset and clouds. Nice shot.
One nit that I can't alwasys figure out either. Did you try to play with crops, perspectives, lenses or camera angles to straighten the tower? It's usually a game between having the hoizon level or the tower straight.
I say again, nice shot.
I didn't play with crop, perspective, lenses or camera angles during pre or post processing. I was just getting ready to pull out of the parking lot where my customer business puts him right along the L.A. River (Sewage Wash), where I just reached behind the seat and took the photo out the window of my SUV. I already had my 28-75 2.8 on my 30D and bracketed my shoots.