Challenge #84 Sleeping Eyes

Hi all,
Here are two possibilities I am working on for this challenge. Input appreciated.
Sleeping Eye #1

Sleeping Eye #2
Here are two possibilities I am working on for this challenge. Input appreciated.
Sleeping Eye #1

Sleeping Eye #2

Comments The Photo Section
I agree but it was difficult to compose in the dark
I may give it one more try tonight. I used my flash turned backwards with a diffuser and it was fairly dark in the room. I really like the lighting but would like to not have her nose cut off!
I would wager that even if you did re-shoot, and you didn't snip her nose off, it would not be as strong as the first shot. And no one could explain quite why.
There is just something about "first blush" captures. Its an interesting phenomenon, but trying to make art into perfection overrides everything that makes art unique...the creativity being exercised in fractions of seconds by the creator, coupled with the intangible emotions they arouse in the viewer.
There is a very sweet, intimate quality about the first that gives me a warm feeling inside. Nice entry!
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Thank you! After attempting another 're-shoot' last night I was unable to capture the same feeling just as you said. As I look at it more I think it is just right as it is. I am going to make this my final submission I believe.
I don't want to bring you into confusion. Both takes are very nice.
But I really want to let you know that on first sight the second image gave me the emotional quiver.
The abstraction, the contrast between the in-focus and out-of-focus parts, the tones, the peace in the eye-lid.
So that one has my vote! Good luck.
Great shots!! I have absolutely no criticisms because I am brand new. In fact, I have a question for you. How did you get your camera to focus in the pitch black like that?
I tried to replicate your shot (it's how I try to learn) and I couldn't get my camera to focus, nor could I see anything through the viewfinder to manually focus.
As a newbie... I've got a LOT to learn... any suggestions?
In answer to your question I believe that most dSLR's can either use the flash to help focus (it fires off a pre-flash for the AF assist) or the external flashes have IR that they use for focus assists. If I'm wrong about this someone please correct me!
About the shots, I actually like the 2nd one more, but that's just me!
I used my 580ex, swivelled back with a diffuser. It has a light that goes on to help you focus but it was still hard to do. thatt light only flashes on for a second.
You know at first I liked that one better because it was focused on the eyelashes and eyebrow. then i started to get into the other now I am not sure! I may change it before the end