Can't logout
I can't seem to logout. I click on the logout button, but then when it sends me out after 10 secs, I still see all the controls like I'm logged in. I've tried re-logging in, logging out, logging in with the public computer option, logging in from the main smugmug page, logging out at the main smugmug page.
It sounds like your browser is confused. Please delete your browser's temp Internet files and cookies. Deleting our cookie should definitely log you out.
Please let us know if this does not correct the issue.
I get the same problem from time to time ... but i'd like to minimize how many cookies i have to delete in order to fix the problem.
Can you tell me which cookie specifically needs to be deleted to resolve this when it happens?
Delete the ones that come from
Most browsers allow you to search for cookies.
You are not using a custom domain by any chance? & smugmug
i do have a custom domain ....
when i view the cookies/temp files ... there are hundreds of cookies from both my custom domain and smugmug (using IE7) ... i could delete them all to solve the problem and i've done that in the past ... just wondering which one was the single magic cookie to do it?
thanks again!
It is probably going to be more time to look it up and delete that single one. I'd just remove them all. The only thing you may loose as well, is the contents of the cart. As long as you don't have anything in your cart, I don't think there is anything in the cookies that will give you any problems when removing them.
When using a custom domain, make sure you don't use that for logging in/out.
From our help pages:
I'm actually in the Netherlands, Europe, so it is a comfortable 9.30am for me & smugmug
I didn't know about that "gotcha" you mentioned regarding logging in via custom domain ... as i've never really had a problem logging in/out via custom domain that i was aware of. But maybe that's what's causing it from time to time ... i'll do it via nickname in future and see if that helps.
Thanks again!
Hi Ivar,
The problem with being unable to logout cropped up again tonight, but i solved it this time ... thought i'd share in case it helps someone else.
I was about to start deleting all the cookies again, but i looked at the 'logout' link and saw it was calling a script using a parameter with my custom domain name in the url.
anyways, i just got rid off all the extra stuff and kept the part ... then it logged out perfectly.
i.e. http://www.(customdomainhere).com/
The logout link should always be using the SmugMug domain. Do you have a link for us where you saw it was using the custom domain? & smugmug