I have no willpower (new laptop)
I used to have a pretty good laptop. When I got married, I gave it to my wife and built my dream desktop. It's a beast - very powerful - very nice.
A few days ago I had to attend a MSDN conference so I borrowed my wife's laptop for the event. I used it to get some work done while eating lunch - used it to goof around during the conference - and used it in a coffee shop that night. It was then I remembered how much I missed having a laptop.
I went into Best Buy today to look for something else and walked out with a laptop. Good grief.
For those who care:
Pentium Dual-Core Mobile
DVD+DL Burner
A few days ago I had to attend a MSDN conference so I borrowed my wife's laptop for the event. I used it to get some work done while eating lunch - used it to goof around during the conference - and used it in a coffee shop that night. It was then I remembered how much I missed having a laptop.
I went into Best Buy today to look for something else and walked out with a laptop. Good grief.
For those who care:
Pentium Dual-Core Mobile
DVD+DL Burner
I have always gone with power, but this time I went with portability. I took a smaller screen (14.1) and went with a lighter form factor than I normally do. I think this will make it more useful as I'll take it more places.
Since you have a desktop, you have a big monitor. If you want a very portable laptop, then get a compact one, and when your desktop has issues, plug your laptop into the big monitor that you normally have connected to your desktop. I think all laptops can drive external monitors at decent resolutions, except for the very cheapest or smallest laptops. The last PC laptop I purchased, a lower-end Thinkpad from around 4 years ago, could certainly do it. Small laptop + big external monitor could be the best of both worlds, and you can spread your work across two monitors, too.
(I'm driving a 20" calibrated monitor from a Mac laptop right now, their laptops have driven desktop monitors since about 1991.)