#84 human body: itch and artwork

opinions on my possible entries for the contest would be greatly appreciated:):help
I have other options in my human body folder on my main page: www.amywilburn.smugmug.com if anyone has the time or inclination to check them out. I really like many of your entries and have had great fun trying to come up with something myself.
I have other options in my human body folder on my main page: www.amywilburn.smugmug.com if anyone has the time or inclination to check them out. I really like many of your entries and have had great fun trying to come up with something myself.
i think this would be a good candidate:
amy, i really like the third of the series you posted. great interpretation of the challenge, and I love the composition, lighting and overall feel.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
As you can see this was only my second post. I don't know what I'm doing at all. Before I was even sure I'd "done it" I had 2 replies. My love of picture taking is taking me out of my comfort zone - - hee (ridiculous to you savvy posters, I'm sure).
Amy... great shots! I love the 1st one the best... probably because of the smile... and I'm not to keen on the big white area on the other one I would like it more if it wasn't so bright...
I like your work... keep shooting