Always learning....
Here is a shot I took of my niece. She wanted some shots taken, and I need all the practice I can get with my Alien Bee 800's. It's not everyday that I find someone willing to pose for 2 or more hours.
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I was using the 20D with the Canon 50 f/1.4 lens (new) and my pocket wizard transievers (also new).
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I was using the 20D with the Canon 50 f/1.4 lens (new) and my pocket wizard transievers (also new).
Always lurking, sometimes participating. 

I like what you did with the ladder leg and background, but not with the color of the jeans and shoes....they don't look like they do in real life. Working with the white background is a fun challenge. Getting it to light the way I want it and actually be white, not gray. It was a fun shoot, and she likes the pic's, as do I, so therefore it was a successful shoot. I'll take what I learned and apply it to the next shoot, and hopefully I'll like those results even more!
Thanks for the comments!
We did some without shoes...socks, not bare feet...but she wanted her shoes on, so I said "whatever". I prefer the ones without the shoes. Here is one we did with the socks...
Thanks for the feedback!:D
She wants more, so we'll keep after it. Oh, and my daughter wants more now too....