Fire & Ice, and a Robot in Disguise (I didn't mean for that to rhyme)

So here is my ideas. (I know someone did ice already, but I'd like to think this is different enough.) So to triptych, or not to triptych?
That last one's just for fun =c)
Any and all comments welcome.

That last one's just for fun =c)
Any and all comments welcome.

Both interesting but the flame ones dont really do it for me!? I think because you cropped half of the flame out.
oh and sorry but since when did disguise and ice rhyme?
disguise and lies or ice and rice yeh, unless you have a wierd accent of course
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Yeah, I may have to try to reshoot that one.
PS: I do have a weird accent The Photo Section
I was thiking of using an orange glowstick to backlight it. Not sure how well it will work. Will have to experiment tonight. The Photo Section