Does quantity count for anything? Hummingbird swarm
I’ve posted several times on various forums about the number of Hummingbirds that feed at our house at dusk. Well tonight I put a flash on my camera and took some pictures. The pictures aren’t the greatest, the flash isn’t a dedicated flash and I had to guess at the exposure settings. I didn’t think I had much time left as it was getting dark very fast. I got off 9 shots in a minute and 13-seconds, one of which came out black because the flash hadn't recyecled, and then they started to drift away. But for those that say they only get one Hummer at their feeders . . . eat your hearts out.
Six Hummers, one feeder
Seven Hummers
Eight Hummers
Ten Hummers but only four feeding stations
Fourteen Hummers? Guys, guys, there’s only six feeding holes
Six Hummers, one feeder
Seven Hummers
Eight Hummers
Ten Hummers but only four feeding stations
Fourteen Hummers? Guys, guys, there’s only six feeding holes
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Very cool.
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"