DDI's Profile Prism?

Has anyone tried using DDI's Profile Prism recently? I have a Canon 6000D, and it produces fantastic prints, but I am using 3rd party inks so it is a little difficult to get the prints to match the screen properly. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how to get my monitor to match my prints to match my camera! Any reccomendations people can give would be fantastic!
I am new here and just seen this post, I have used profile prism and 3rd party ink with a canon I9900.. The most important thing with that software is getting the right target scan with your scanner.. I have had very good success making profiles with the program useing a older hp5400c and calibrating my LCD with spyder2. Make sure when you print the targets you follow the instructions for printing the targets and make right selection on papers that you are going to use with your printer drivers..
Make sure you do use black paper on top of targets before you do scan so you don't get any light bleeding.. In short I found it a pain in the butt at first, but after working with the program and understand the process of making printer profiles, I have been very happy with my prints..
Good luck