
Restoring 53 GB of photos from backups due to Lightroom FUBAR

PixoulPixoul Registered Users Posts: 97 Big grins
edited March 24, 2007 in Finishing School
OK. That little option in Lightroom Preferences about writing XMP data back to the files? Seems like a good idea. Except it doesn't write XMP data back to the files. It deletes the file and creates a new file with the XMP data attached. There goes 10 years of creation times and modification dates (all my pre-EXIF work).

Feh. I :lust Retrospect.


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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2007
    First rule I have, backup early and often, DVDs and CDs are cheaper then my time. I use where-is-it to catalog my media and it has worked really well for me! Just a satisfied customer, I use it at the office and a separate license at home. It amazes my graphic artist when I can find the images faster then he can using Where Is It.

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