Guess this goes here...

Not sure where this post would go but.....
My grandpa, who you all are aware that is terminal as stated Here, well I was over at his home tonight visiting with him and his brother who just came in from california tonight.
Well granda brings out a bag and says I want you to have this. I open the bag to find his old SLR with 4 lenses. He also gives me a tripod. He said that I could sell this equipment and put the money towards a Dslr.
Now my question is how do I find out what this stuff is worth? He told me that it was his fathers outfit, so I know its old. But I dont kow if it would be an antique worth a bunch or just an old camera that some collector might take off my hands.
Now I know what some of you might say.....keep it for the memories, its a wonderful keepsake. But truth be known I have many other things he has givin me that mean alot more.
So long story short, how to price an old minolta slr
Thanks everyone!
My grandpa, who you all are aware that is terminal as stated Here, well I was over at his home tonight visiting with him and his brother who just came in from california tonight.
Well granda brings out a bag and says I want you to have this. I open the bag to find his old SLR with 4 lenses. He also gives me a tripod. He said that I could sell this equipment and put the money towards a Dslr.
Now my question is how do I find out what this stuff is worth? He told me that it was his fathers outfit, so I know its old. But I dont kow if it would be an antique worth a bunch or just an old camera that some collector might take off my hands.
Now I know what some of you might say.....keep it for the memories, its a wonderful keepsake. But truth be known I have many other things he has givin me that mean alot more.
So long story short, how to price an old minolta slr
Thanks everyone!
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Post what it is here too!
It is not as old as I thought, its a X370 with 1 cheap lens and 3 minolota lenes.
Sorry for using server space for this useless thread:D
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....