#85 - Can't Change (4)

So when I submitted my entry for this challenge (a first for me!) I was pretty darned positive about which one of my photos I wanted to use. But I have been getting more and more feedback over the week from friends about the final four I picked and now I'm not so sure.
But I'd like to hear any thoughts from other photographers!
I (I obviously entered this one)

II I've been getting lots of votes that I should have used this one, though. :dunno


But I'd like to hear any thoughts from other photographers!

I (I obviously entered this one)

II I've been getting lots of votes that I should have used this one, though. :dunno



...but that's just my opinion
I would disagree and add that I think you could also crop out the shower curtain - doesn't add much in my mind.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
WOW... #2 makes a huge statement. Great capture. I don't mind at all that the needle is oof. I see it and know it's there but am drawn right past it to the the bigger problem and finnally to the one who can't change. The skull in the background finishes the image.
I love the second one. When I saw your entry I said "oh, that's kinda cool", when I saw that I said "that's f'in cool" =c)
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I like the original the best... It’s more personal because I can see the face, clear picture of the needle; I like the elements in the image, and the belt works better on the arm than on the floor… I like number 3 also... Keep in mind opinions are great but ultimately you have to go with your gut.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
#4 nails the theme and establishes the desperation well enough, but there's a certain degree of empathy lost through not being able to see her face. If you're good with that, it fits the challenge and your theme pretty well. Otherwise, stick to your guns and go with #1.
Canon 40d | Canon 17-40 f/4L | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Canon 70-200mm f/4 L
The first shot is most powerful for me because it's most personal. I also think the composition works best.
Maybe add some tri-x look grain? Maybe quite a lot? I have some dim memory of an old Life magazine with an article about the day-to-day lives of addicts in "needle park" wherever that was. That's the look...