DsMKII is better every day...I'm amazed.

larklark Registered Users Posts: 155 Major grins
edited January 23, 2005 in Wildlife
Going through the paces with this new camera (it has a learning curve!..or maybe I have one), I'm aware that I'm going to make mistakes, make bad pictures and on and on until it's mechanics become second nature.
That said, I'm still pushing things.
These are taken from a cliff above "T" Street in San Clemente, lots of mist in the air on a gray day....70-200 lensIS w/1.4 hand held. I knew the distance was too much right away, but I also know I need the practice.
Got them home and ho-hummed through them but kept them. Last night I did a little PS work on what I had and I'm stunned.
My PS is set to neutrals (ala S. Kelby's suggestions in his book)in the program so that "auto" in Curves gives me a balanced, color correction each time. The side effect of this is the "Auto Color" button does the same. I say all of this because all that was done to these shots was to hit "Auto Color",Crop(a lot), USM and a touch of saturation.
This camera rocks!!!!!! No, it wasn't the photographer this time.
I put some more up at: DEN.smugmug.com
You should really take a look....I'm so impressed. I may never discard a picture again........ :bow :lust


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