Are you missing the Main Image in SmugMug Style?
Hi, This may be a newbie question but.......
I have my pics viewed using the smugmug style theme. Previously it showed all the thumbs to the left and a larger version to the right which then you could click on and choose size to view again. And the little bar on the right swung in when you placed your curser over it.
Now the pic on the right does not display at all (you know the bit where you can rate a pic etc) and the slide out bar appears on it's own. I've tried loading it on safari and firefox but it doesn't make any difference.
Any suggestions or is that the way that theme works now?
Cheers Brigsy.
I have my pics viewed using the smugmug style theme. Previously it showed all the thumbs to the left and a larger version to the right which then you could click on and choose size to view again. And the little bar on the right swung in when you placed your curser over it.
Now the pic on the right does not display at all (you know the bit where you can rate a pic etc) and the slide out bar appears on it's own. I've tried loading it on safari and firefox but it doesn't make any difference.
Any suggestions or is that the way that theme works now?
Cheers Brigsy.
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We have a few reports of customers / viewers that can't see the main image in SmugMug Style. They are seeing the thumbs, but not the medium-sized main image.
If you are having this trouble, I'd like to know more:
* what browser, and version
* corporate firewall?
* home connection, or work connection?
* just your site, or all sites? Try
* only one browser? or any browser?
* can you try another computer?
Any and all data points would be useful.
We do not need to hear from you if "everything is just fine," which it is, for nearly everyone! This seems to be a problem affecting only a very few folks, but we still of course want to nail it down....
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Hi Andy -
I wasn't seeing them 5 minutes ago but it is working ATM. Firefox, behind firewall. If it fails again I'll provide more debug info.
I have been using smugmug for about 6 months now with no problems. I have changed nothing to do with my connection or security in recent times, and nothing has changed before it stopped working properly.
I have Safari 2.0.4 as my usual browser on the mac. However I haved viewed on firefox and on my PC with IE. All with no main image.
I am a home user using an NTL cable modem via a wireless router.
I have tried to view the link you posted re he superhero images and the same thing results.
Hope this helps. BTW I am in the UK. (Can anyone else view my site correctly )
Nice pics!
Working fine here also. Windows XP, cable connection, IE7.
Canon Gear
- just remembered the site of today's incident. I was reading the thread Mike posted on liquid layouts, and clicked on the link to his son's site. Just went there now and it's working fine.
my sister's site is having same issue with a few templates
I can view it in IE without issue but failing in firefox v2.0.0.2 on windows xp behind firewall
Ok, got it doing it on her site right now. Is there something I can do with it in this state that will help you guys troubleshoot it?
By the way, the flyout shows up but funky- it's mostly blank and the only thing you can see properly is the thumbs.
The flyout looks different on my own site...
and the page picker is messed up too...(you'll have to view the -O version to see it)
Also, when the photobar thingy pops out and "photo info" is clicked, the large window displaying the info doesn't always disappear when the little "X" is clicked. Sometimes clicking the "X" makes another "X" appear in the opposite corner for a brief moment.
Also, the photobar stays visible overtop the photo info window until the mouse is moved completely off the picture, or is it supposed to do that?
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Please make sure you have the latest version of Java installed. You can get it at & smugmug
Thanks Ivar. Discussed this issue with Andy in another thread. Problem is PCs are not allowed java, compnay restriction. Nothing much I can do. But I appreciate the suggestion.
My galleries:
My Blog:
I'm seeing the bug on both my sites: (standard, no customization) (pro, slightly customized)
browsers tested so far with the problem: firefox (v1.5)
seems to work in MSIE v6 from this same pc.
Oddly enough, sometimes if I force a refresh it'll work then. Just now I went to one of the gallery views, hit Ctrl-F5 in firefox, and the main photo showed up. (and both sites then worked) Perhaps you guys are serving different copies of some file, with a bug in one set?
any suggestions? this is a pain right now. And users won't be expected to know to hit Ctrl-F5 when it's not working...
When you have this problem, open up firebug. Tools > Firebug > Open firebug in New Window
You'll see a group of tabs that say 'Console', 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Script', 'DOM', 'Net'
First click the 'Console' tab (it's the default) and check if any errors are there.
Now click the 'Net' tab, you should see a graph like below:
Please try to make the graph as big as possible and take a screengrab. Either email that to smugmug help or post it here so we can take a look.
Thank you for your patience while we figure this out.
My site is and I'm having a similar problem on my home computer with IE7. No problems with FF on the same computer and no problems with FF and IE6 on the work computers. I only have access to IE7 on my home computer but other folks pages seem to be working OK on it.
Additionally when any of my pages or galleries load there is sometimes a missing thumbnail or two on the page. If I click on the empty spot where the thumbnail should be the picture opens but the missing thumbnail is still missing. The missing thumbnail changes on each reload. Also not all the pictures on my html pages show up either, agin the missing ones change with each reload.
This has only been happening with-in the last day or so.
Just a thought, could this be a result of the Windows update for the upcoming daylight savings change?
Thanks Jim T
Oh yes I forgot, I have the latest version of Java installed, the memory cache has been emptied (numerous times) and I do run Zone Alarm Security Suite.
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I'm getting an error in Tidy, try changing the f2 to h2
<div align="center"><f2><strong>All photographs and images on this site are
©James Thielen of Okotoks, Alberta. All Rights Reserved.</strong></f2>
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Opps you are right it should be I was coming of night shift so a little manual digital dyslexia.
Hey James. I was checking out your galleries. I didn't see any problems with images loading, but I did have one feedback on your organization. When I click on street scenes, it takes me to the Black Diamond category. When I click on that, it takes me to Black diamond galleries with only one gallery. When I click on Snowy Shots, I finally get to see some pictures. It would be a lot friendlier to click on street scenes and go right to Snowy Shots or to at least remove the sub-category and avoid some of these clicks. The same is true for your Landscapes. It's four successive pages to get to the only gallery that's in there when it could be reduce to one click. You also have the bread-crumbing hidden so it's even harder to know where you are when it gets this hierarchical.
You may be planning for the future here, but I'd suggest you make it work this way when you actually have enough galleries to benefit from this level of categories and sub-categories and not before. It's all up to you - just thought I'd pass on that observation.
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John, thanks for checking things out. Issues may be at my end so I'll try a few things out in the morning.
You are right, I was planning for future on the gallery layout; but I do like the idea of minimizing clicks until then. A little something for me to tweak.
remove the Smug cookies and it seems it clear the problem. You might try
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Hi all. Figured it out. Obviously Zone Alarm made some changes on their last update. Turns out I need to set my cookie and ad blocking settings to minimum when I'm on my site and everything works again!! Thanks all for hearing me out.