FOUND: 1D, high serial, low actuations
Hi all,
Trying to shake a 1D loose from someone planning on upgrading to a 1D MK III or 1D2n in the coming month. After the second Error 99 return for repair issue in the last 3 months with my well loved 20D (shutter failure at 80k clicks, mechanical chassis failure 10k clicks later) I have come to the conclusion that I need a second body sooner rather than later and that it should be a 1D series. My original target was to use the 20D until the update to the 1DIIn had been released and was out on the market for a while, but now I think I need an intermediate step to get me through this summer before ponying up for the latest and greatest. The 1D has some features (1/500 sync; smaller file sizes; and a near cultish following for its pixels color/contrast sharpness) that had me thinking that I would be buying a used one anyway, so this just accelerates the schedule.
So - anyone out there with a low actuation, high serial number 1D body; batteries (multiple); charger; and power cord looking to sell in the next month, please let me know! I would prefer that this be an in person cash transaction in the Pacific Northwest to save shipping, handling and third party fees.
Trying to shake a 1D loose from someone planning on upgrading to a 1D MK III or 1D2n in the coming month. After the second Error 99 return for repair issue in the last 3 months with my well loved 20D (shutter failure at 80k clicks, mechanical chassis failure 10k clicks later) I have come to the conclusion that I need a second body sooner rather than later and that it should be a 1D series. My original target was to use the 20D until the update to the 1DIIn had been released and was out on the market for a while, but now I think I need an intermediate step to get me through this summer before ponying up for the latest and greatest. The 1D has some features (1/500 sync; smaller file sizes; and a near cultish following for its pixels color/contrast sharpness) that had me thinking that I would be buying a used one anyway, so this just accelerates the schedule.
So - anyone out there with a low actuation, high serial number 1D body; batteries (multiple); charger; and power cord looking to sell in the next month, please let me know! I would prefer that this be an in person cash transaction in the Pacific Northwest to save shipping, handling and third party fees.
Outdoor and Sports Media
Outdoor and Sports Media
I have one with a 292xx serial number (should be one of the last ones) that I am thinking about letting go. It does have just a hair over 20k. I am new here one of the many beginning to migrate from Fred's site. I have plenty of feedback there. Let me know if you are interested.
[FONT=Geneva, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Serial# 26188
Shutter# 27140[/FONT]
Here is one with 16K actuations on FM too for $1100
Finally, a more used one that does strange things with the guy's flash, but it may be his flash. $825
Thanks for the heads up on the FM listings - I have been in contact with both sellers. And Miles0823, please feel free to contact me (e-mail at
The issue is that I would truly prefer a local transaction and keep hoping that something shakes loose in the Pacific Northwest. As there has been no definitive local sellers yet, I am still just wishing on that. The 20k plus serials with <20k actuations sure are making my trigger finger itchy though.
As a baseline on price a numbr of weeks ago I watched a 26k serial number w/ 6k actuations, extra battery, and complete box go for about $1150 and that transaction took a couple of days to materialize (twice as the first buyer apparently fell through) so I expect the price was fair. With the 1D mk III's arrival on paper I expect prices to be south of that benchmark now. I will let this percolate for the weekend and then look to buy from the national market next week -really I have unti lthe end of hte month, but now that i have made the decision to buy its so hard to hold off...
Thanks again for the replies!
Outdoor and Sports Media
- RE
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
Thanks miles0823 - now I just need to wait for the pony express to gallup across the country with my package...
Outdoor and Sports Media