Ch#85 Change - Mig Welding?

Thoughts? Does mig welding fit the theme well?
I like all these but can't pick just one. One has a slight blur issue due to shooting for just a wee bit longer exposure and he moved his head. Think if I re-did it I could convince him NOT to move at all? LOL. Seriously I'm my worst critique and this will be my first time entering the challenge on dgrin so any tips from you pros will be much appriciated. Are one of these keepers and theme worthy? If so, should I try and re-shoot tomarrow? Thanks for looking.
I like all these but can't pick just one. One has a slight blur issue due to shooting for just a wee bit longer exposure and he moved his head. Think if I re-did it I could convince him NOT to move at all? LOL. Seriously I'm my worst critique and this will be my first time entering the challenge on dgrin so any tips from you pros will be much appriciated. Are one of these keepers and theme worthy? If so, should I try and re-shoot tomarrow? Thanks for looking.




Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!
hmmmmm... I was afraid of that. Being a country girl this sorta change is common everyday stuff. I'm married to a hubby that can make just about anything work.
Thanks for looking & commenting Truth. Greatly appriciated.
I see all that change and more Cindy... There is change on a molecular level as well... Truth should have recognized this because his submission was similar... solid to liquid... I like 3 and 4... In number 3 I can see he is making or fixing something, number 4 is just a very striking shot! You should Definitely submit one!
Was just trying to help, but you should have known that seeing how your post was attempting a similar result. It would seem I know nothing about how these contest entries are viewed and judged.
Thank you for the words of encouragment & explaination. You've convinced me to enter. Now which one I must decide... hmmmmm. If I may be so bold to ask... is there anything you see I should do to finish off any of these images before I submit one? BTW: I had a look through your galleries (via truths link in his post) and WOWZA. I'm very impressed. Beautiful work in there and I can see why you would sign them. It's not often I like sigs on prints but I must say you've got a great collection and yes I do think your signature adds to the value. So classy
Yes, Truths ice/water image is one of my favorites in the comp
Thanks Amy. You'll convinced me, I'll enter one. May do some slight touch-ups first... after I decide which one. Had several family & friends look and I'm more confused over which one now than ever.
I don't think so... They all look good to me
I had a look through your galleries (via truths link in his post) and WOWZA. I'm very impressed. Beautiful work in there and I can see why you would sign them. It's not often I like sigs on prints but I must say you've got a great collection and yes I do think your signature adds to the value. So classy
Thanks so much for the compliment...
I think all the shots are to cluttered. If you would have stopped it down to really show off the arc it may have helped, but then it would have been tough to see any change in the photo. As it is, it's hard to understand what's really being done. Is he adding onto or changing something out. I don't know.
I guess I'm saying that I don't think it's a good contender for the contest.
P.S. If you take more shots around welding sparks. Be sure to have a filter on your lens, or stay far enough away that the sparks can't hit it. If a spark hits the lens, there's a good chance that it could fuse to the glass. Grinding sparks can do the same thing.
Good luck.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I re-worked one of the images in PS last night and was just about to submit it when :bash it dawned on me that I'd captured these a day to early on Sunday the 18th. :cry Oh geeze.... how stupid. I'd thought for sure I took those on Monday... I assumed wrong. No time or way to re-shoot since I only realized this about 1am this morning :sick
I was really looking forward to entering for the first time on the last round too. Oh well... good practice for the big rounds comin up. Don't think I won't forever be aware of the date captured next time.
Even though I can't enter it here's the re-work if anyone cares to comment.
Thanks to everyone,
I like that you removed some of the stuff in the corners of your reworked photo, but #1 is my fave still. Somehow the welder (aka your hubby) seems extra professional all nice and perfectly straight in the pic (although I know that has nothing to do with successful welding). Like Salazar, I like the blue light on his shirt and the tighter crop. The whole thing (way photo was taken and the action depicted) seems more professional looking to me:)
Thanks for noticing my entry was missing and commenting again Amy. Choosing between 1 & 2 was tough. I picked 2 for the entry only because you could see the plate being welded to the deck better. I agree with you on 1 though (I like his hand down so much better) and I plan to re-work it also... even though it's only for hubby's benefit.
If you take any more shots of hubby welding, see if he has another hood or maybe cutting goggles to shoot through. Or if you have some ND filters or polarizers. You can make the background very dark, but still have good light on the arc and hubby.
Tig welding
Mig welding
This shot was 1/2 a second long at f32, ISO 100
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Thank you for sharing. I'll certainly try adding some ND filters next time.