Carrying a dSLR for while on the go...LowePro toploaders w/ chest harness

After some trial and error using various backpacks and hip belts I finally forked over the $15 and bought the chest harness for my LowePro OffTrail2 Toploader. it's not a very discreet method of transport but if you're on the move (I primarily got it for skiing) it's a very nice rig. It gives me very quick access to the camera, decent weather protection and a very comfortable and balanced way to carry my gear. With the optional side mount lens pods I can carry the body with the 70-200 mounted and two other lenses along with CF cards and a filter. It also allows me to not have to set the bag down on the snow the way a backpack did as well as not having to remove to sit down.
is not a concern.
and I can shoot while I ride--given my new ride has cruise, I think I'm golden.
For the dSLR though, I carry that in my tank bag with a towel or something to
keep it somewhat isolated from the vibration.
Can it be disasembled and only use the camera bag by it self or is it all peramanetly hooked together?
Your 200mm is it a f2.8 or a slower lens?
I need a 2nd topload style bag to pretty much complete what I need to carry my 7D with 70-210 2.8 and second 7D with 24-70 f2.8 on a military 3" accessory belt...actually have been thinking of getting the LowePro belt so I don't have to make changes to that HUUuuGE belt loop on the back of the 75aw.
What do you do with the belt when you use the chest harness....btw the 75aw comes with both shoulder strap and chest harness.
I am also waiting to see what the LowePro 300AW Slingbag looks...the 200 is just to dang small...but if I can fit both cameras with lenses attached and some other smaller gear, that would be awesome.
That's sort of the way I've been figuring it, just wanted to know your thoughts, sort of play a bit of the devil's advocate. Thanks for the response. I'll be looking at this sort of set up for some of the shooting (off bike) that I plan to do: hiking, adventure race coverage, rock climbing (all kinds). Sounds pretty practical and well thought out.
one that continues to take pictures while bailing off his motorcycle and flying through the air
Canon 7D, 100-400L, Mongoose 3.5, hoping for a 500L real soon.
How's this?........:D
Yeah, me.