Widget For Windows Vista Sidebar?

I finally bought Vista and installed it, and I really like how the slideshow widget works. Is it possible for someone to hack smugmug and do a similar widget that displays photos from a smugmug gallery/account? I think it would be very cool! What does everyone think? Along those same lines, how difficult is it to develop a Mac Dashboard Widget for displaying/uploading photos?
Over Achiever
EDIT: Ok, I didn't realize they're called "gadgets" not widgets.
Over Achiever
EDIT: Ok, I didn't realize they're called "gadgets" not widgets.
I recently started work with SM, as the client side developer, so I assume this request falls into my bucket.
I really want to implemented these type of widgets/gadgets, I have a few things on my plate at the moment, but I will check this stuff out once I finish my current preojects.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
have you found time to start developing the Gadget? If not, I would like to start coding it (but no need to re-invent your wheel).