Got any opinions: ASMP

Slowly but surely, I'm cranking up a side-line photog biz. My ultimate goal is to go full time. With this in mind I've been spongeing up information and have run across the ASMP. Seems like a pretty good org, with good bennie's and the "right mindset."
I'm in the tech world now, and my industry is up to it's armpits in associations. They often don't do you a bit of good.
Anyone here have experience with the ASMP and what is you take on them?
I'm in the tech world now, and my industry is up to it's armpits in associations. They often don't do you a bit of good.
Anyone here have experience with the ASMP and what is you take on them?
All that said, I am currently NOT an ASMP member because it's $200/year and I just couldn't justify the expense since I'm not a full-time pro. The membership doesn't mean you get into the events/seminars/workshops for free, and you can still attend (and pay for) these events even if you're not a member.
And outside of pro-photographers, honestly I found not too many people knew what ASMP was. My clients care about a good portfolio and my people skills and my experience, not my membership (or lack there-of) in organizations like ASMP.
And... one more thing... with the internet it's become a lot easier to get 'listed' or come up in searches when people need a photographer, so I didn't find the ASMP listing helpful for me one bit. In the past, they used to be a great one-stop resource for referrals to local photographers.
But again, if you can afford it, they're a great organization. If you can't afford it or just want to take a test run, check out the schedule for your local chapter and go to a meeting/workshop to see what they might be able to offer you.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
American Society of Media Photographers