Wireless PC Card companies

I am thinking of getting a wireless PC Card for my laptop. A lot of places I go to and want to use my computer at don't have a WiFi connection. Can anyone give any reccomendations on companies? I know that Verizon and Tmobile both offer it but is there anyplace else?
I (and a few other guys in my company) currently use TMobile since they're so cheap, but often times it's painfully slow. We're experimenting with ClearWire devices tied to a wireless access point with an AC inverter; one of our guys dropped his DSL at home to use ClearWire exclusively. All in all, Verizon's the best deal with coverage/speed in mind from what I've seen. If you're strictly in urban areas, ClearWire (if you're lucky enough to get it) or Nextel offer much better speed.
I should note that my experiences are limited to the greater Seattle market, and Rhuarc's right; coverage is king. It's a LOT better than it used to be - Verizon's coverage is at the point that the only major holes for their wireless internet coverage are parts of eastern Montana, eastern Oregon, and a good hunk of Nevada.
I use Cingular and like it a lot. Instead of buying a PCMCIA card and paying for the expensive service, I just got a phone with BlueTooth and tether it to my laptop. This means that I can use the $20/month Media Max 200 Bundle for unlimited bandwidth. I'm sure if my data usage got too high they'd probably call me on it, but for what I do it's fine.
When I'm in a 3G network area the speeds are outstanding (1MB), when I'm in a EDGE area they're still faster than dial-up.
also, regardless of whichever provider you go with, check with them to see if there's a corporate discount available. i can get 18% off with mine.
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