Salon Shots
Did my first shoot of "hair models" last week. Tougher than you'd expect to make the hair the most important part of the image. Anyway, I'll past some of the images I'm trying to dial in here for constructive critiques and general harassment as I get them to the point of jpg'ness.
1. her eyes seem to be blured a bit - perhaps that is just the size of the image
2. the lines on her neckline reallly bother me - too much twist. I know it is natural but it is not very glamorous.
3. I can clearly see the lipstic line well below her actual bottom lip. She has beautiful lip line and there was no need to try to enlarge it. I guess that was just her make up.
4. her brows are green - not sure where this tone is coming from but you can also see it in the shade of the hair on the skin of her forehead.
5. the top looks flat black.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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I'll go back and play with the color balance to see what's causing the green tint you pointed out. They eyes are not razor sharp but the image size is making them look far worse than they actually are. These images will most likely only be viewed even smaller as website images so it's not a huge issue.
In your image, I certainly look at the hair. But the bright face, large eyes and large, glossy red lips are bigger draws.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
The color is definitely off... Not sure what it is...
One thing that struck me is that i'm drawn a bit to her eyes. If you are trying to make the hair stand out more, you could either have a model with ugly eyes OR you could have her direct her eyes elsewhere. You know, as if she's not trying to engage the viewer. That may have the hair be even more of the focus.
The hair does look awesome.
I, too, am bothered by the neck lines.
Overall, I think it's quite good for a first shot. But know you'll come up with better shots!
With your watermark right there it's hard to tell, but her expression looks kind of unpleasant. Get the watermark off of her face and it might help, but it's not a sexy malevolent look, just kind of hateful, like she's asking me what the f I'm looking at. Sometimes that can be kind of tough, sexy, but in this case it's just not attractive.
The lighting seems flat, and doesn't really draw attention to the hair, although if your lighting did draw attention to the hair that would probably seem odd, but there must be some way to light this more dramatically and less flatly.
All this from a guy that knows nothing about fashion photography except that most of what passes for attractive in the fashion mags is ugly to me. So take with the appropriate amount of salt.
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off to dinner......
Now where is that needle ..... and botle of insulin.....ahhhhhh there it tis....
No, don't do that. This is informative for all. We get to learn by your mistakes.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
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If you're learning from my mistakes you're bound to end up the next Einstein. I'm a mistake machine. I wasn't going to delete the thread, just the images from this shoot sitting in Lightroom taunting me.
Ditto what DavidTO says. Forget about what the hair looks like. The model has a very unpleasant look on her face. You have also toned down the colors on her face, which was the right idea, but now there is an unnatural cast.
Personally, I find the dark shirt to be distracting as well. My thought would be to go high key all the way, as is your lighting, but to include the clothing and make up as well.
Take this for what it's worth, I'm not a pro.
No don't do that
As several of the major pros I have read have said.....Never use the delete every image as it may become a great work of art some day just in a different digital medium....(not as a portrait but maye as a line drawing, posterization or solarazation or some other form of surrealism or abstractness...).......
I read the ...from what I see the only real prob is the neck twist.....clone it out..simple....first enlarge photo to actual pixels..let it take over the screen..set your clone brush (stamp) to accurate (the little cross hair target thing, instead of a brush...I personally had those damn brushes)...then set size to no bigger than a is small but not tiny start at the bottom of neck area and work upwards....
as for the lips looks as if here is enuff room to clone them also with a really tiny brush, say a #5 or maybe a #3......... and that should make about 1000% difference.....also in hair shoots try to get both sides and the back (when shootingthe back side, you may need to be shooting slightly down to getthe effect of the hair style as it goes down the back side of the head.....another angle is to shoot so that you get the back and one side at the same time......all these shoting suggestions of course depends on the hair style........
just remember to do some home work before you take on a new and exciting shoot....even after thousands of weddings and portraits I still spend a lot of time looking at others work to get creative inspiration......or to see waht I need to do if I am not doing something I am familair with.......
I have done exactly what you did here....I worked for a hairstylist that was trying to bring the California look to Wichita and in the Mid-80's that wasn't happenin' too quickly.....and they would schedule shoots and I would convrge on their salon with lights and umbrellas and extension cords.....
I had to several re-shoots because of simple mistakes of having necks twisted a tad way to clone it out of film:D......and waaaaaay to much make up on the models....
Hope my suggestions were helpful.....GOOD LUCK!
I'm not a plastic surgeon but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express once:
I'm spent. I need a PS assistant.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Dude needs a haircut.
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Look at these:
The models are beautiful but bland, the hair is where the color and the action is, hence where the eye goes. Well, except for the tattoo models of course, but there the hair is a continuation of their body patterns.
Similar work here.
Click on Book 100, to see how he shot L'Oreal hair.
I keep seeing a lot of featureless, almost plastic faces, with bright hair that pops.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
This was not a new shot...just processing what I have, but thanks,
You're welcome.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam