he reminds me of kobe... missed him a lot this weekend during the snow. first good storm we've gotten since he's been gone. he loved, absolutely loved the snow and was the best shoveling buddy around.
he reminds me of kobe... missed him a lot this weekend during the snow. first good storm we've gotten since he's been gone. he loved, absolutely loved the snow and was the best shoveling buddy around.
Eric :cry me too.. I miss him for you too...so sorry..
he reminds me of kobe... missed him a lot this weekend during the snow. first good storm we've gotten since he's been gone. he loved, absolutely loved the snow and was the best shoveling buddy around.
Eric, Kuda is still very healthy at 12 years of age however his breed usually only lives for 10-14 years. One day I fear he will be gone and all to soon too.(for me)
I have lost canine friends as well and I know your hurt.:cry
I have two siberians, 4 year old brother and sister. Kuda looks a lot like the male we have.
ehughes, Thank You. They are a great breed . The negatives are far outweighed by the positives for these dogs.
Now that "Kuda" is older he doesnt have the hoodini atribute any more.
(these dogs can escape from the most secure yard)
he still digs one hole a year in the same spot in the yard.
and of course the amazing shed.:D
he reminds me of kobe... missed him a lot this weekend during the snow. first good storm we've gotten since he's been gone. he loved, absolutely loved the snow and was the best shoveling buddy around.
I have lost canine friends as well and I know your hurt.:cry
I have two siberians, 4 year old brother and sister. Kuda looks a lot like the male we have.
Now that "Kuda" is older he doesnt have the hoodini atribute any more.
(these dogs can escape from the most secure yard)
he still digs one hole a year in the same spot in the yard.
and of course the amazing shed.:D
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