Any way to get EXIF with large images in SM default style? Methinks this would be more than a nice to have...
Smugmug only provides EXIF on the "original" size. I agree that it would be nice to see at least basic EXIF (copyright, aperture, shutter, ISO, focal length, date/time taken) on other sizes.
I would like to add my vote to at least keep copyright notice in the re-sized photo's. They are effectively being turned over into the public domain when this info is stripped! (No thanks to Adobe's PS "save for web" precedent on this practice!)
The issue for me is what happens after someone has downloaded an image, saved as some "useless" name in their "my pictures". A few days later... where did that photo come from?
There ought to be an implicit tag on all photo's like there used to be on mattresses & pillows: "DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF LAW"
What I'm looking for is the "i" button on the resized image flyout. I pointed someone to a large image on another smugger's account and her first comment was "how do I see the EXIF"
What I'm looking for is the "i" button on the resized image flyout. I pointed someone to a large image on another smugger's account and her first comment was "how do I see the EXIF"
Maybe they have camera details set to "off" - it's a gallery option settable by the account owner, whether to show it or not.
Smugmug only provides EXIF on the "original" size. I agree that it would be nice to see at least basic EXIF (copyright, aperture, shutter, ISO, focal length, date/time taken) on other sizes.
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I would like to add my vote to at least keep copyright notice in the re-sized photo's. They are effectively being turned over into the public domain when this info is stripped! (No thanks to Adobe's PS "save for web" precedent on this practice!)
The issue for me is what happens after someone has downloaded an image, saved as some "useless" name in their "my pictures". A few days later... where did that photo come from?
There ought to be an implicit tag on all photo's like there used to be on mattresses & pillows: "DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF LAW"
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