Flash Plugin to display hdr file?
I am looking for a flash plugin that lets me display an hdr image online. I want to give my viewers the control over exposure, so everyone can fiddle with this and see how it works.
Is anyone aware of a (hopefully free) plugin that lets me do this?
Is anyone aware of a (hopefully free) plugin that lets me do this?
You can probably do this with Javascript. Are you proficient in it? Or does it have to be flash?
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I am not really proficient in either of the two, just wondering if there was anything available already. I have too much on my mind right now to start programming this stuff myself.
Thanks for your reply though.
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides
The actual program is here: http://webuser.fh-furtwangen.de/~dersch/