Best hotel in Niagara Falls?

Anybody have any thoughts on what is THE best hotel in Niagara falls? Right now I'm between the Marriott and Hilton, though I'm just kinda guessing from what I've read online. BTW, anybody else going to be shooting the UMD-Davidson game at the HSBC Arena?
I have stayed at the Marriott and was pleased at the view and service. Recommended.
BTW: I believe that all rooms face the falls, above the 6the floor is better, but all have a good view.
I grew up in Buffalo and currently live in Charlotte. I see you chose a hotel already but just wanted to add that the Sheraton on the Falls is a really nice hotel. Pricey but very nice, not to mention right next to the Casino.
NY Side I probably would stay at the new Casino hotel. Canadian Side Stay at FallsView Casino tremednous facility tremndous hotel but pricey particularly this time of year.
The view from 10th floor bay window.
Canada side.
My hubby and I stayed at the Sheraton Falls View. We loved it. At the time - about 10 or more years ago - it had the best view.
It still did almost 2 years ago. Kathy and I went for our 35th wedding anniversary.
That's quite the coincidence. The thing that happened during the whole trp that gave me the biggest laugh was that some guy I asked directions from said to me "Buffalo isn't a big city like Charlotte." Being from DC originally, Charlotte seems tiny to me (though I do like it there).
The Hilton was not bad, room was nice, service was very good, but the new Casino did kinda kill the view if I looked out the window to the left (though, being on the 26th floor was nice). They were having rainstorms just before I got there, so much of the time the view was blocked by mist.
Game was awesome except that we lost...which was pretty sad, since it was the last sporting event I will shoot for a long time, possibly ever. Made a vacation out of it though. Made some money playing blackjack, but the last table I went to the people were playing to make money, not for fun, and that sorta ruined the whole it so I left quickly. The fudge at that fudge shop isn't very good btw. The German restaurant was quite good (and I've been to Germany often enough that I know good German food when I see it).
That's funny. And he said that because 1/2 the city has moved to Charlotte. You wouldn't believe how many people I meet here from Buffalo.
Which Casino did you go to, Canadian or American. Canadian looks nicer but no free drinks while you play, American gives you free drinks while you play, but it's much smaller. I do pretty good on Roulette there.
Thanks a lot that was ver in depth. I love German food so i'll be sure to check it out. I haven't been yet, but i'm going in the end of august and I cannot wait! Does anybody know where to buy a good camera while i'm up there? Thanks