Getting started with new lights

I am looking to get simple (cheap) light setup that would be fairly portable (i.e. drag to a wedding/church/school) for portraits. Also thinking about using it in the future for a small studio setting. Wanted to ask the wonderful dgrin folks first.
I am looking at the following kit becuase it seemed reasonable and portable but since I have zero experience with off-camera lights I am not sure.
Smith Victor KT900 3-Light 1250-Watt Thrifty Mini-Boom Kit
I have a set of canon cameras and lens, some are great low-light lenses but this seemed like a nice addition to the equipment.
Suggestions? Advice?
I am looking at the following kit becuase it seemed reasonable and portable but since I have zero experience with off-camera lights I am not sure.
Smith Victor KT900 3-Light 1250-Watt Thrifty Mini-Boom Kit
I have a set of canon cameras and lens, some are great low-light lenses but this seemed like a nice addition to the equipment.
Suggestions? Advice?
heather dillon photography - Pacific Northwest Portraits and Places
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
I also found the most wonderful forum post ever.
Not sure what I can really afford for now but helpful stuff.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.