Fuji Finepix s7000 digital camera flash solution
Hello, after much searching the net I finally rec'd a reply from Fuji who say the s7000 can take any flash provided that the output voltage measured at the base of the unit where it sits on the hot shoe does not exceed 5 volts. Anymore fries the digital camera circuitry. Professional flash gear outputs 12 volts and my sunpak softlite 1600m outputs 16 volts. However I got away with an Image Flash which output 5.16 volts.
The s7000 can be damaged by flash units in 2 ways. Either immediately if the flash zaps the camera or gradually. Someone I have heard of used a higher voltage flash which after 6 months disabled the s7000 circuitry.
Because the s7000 removes the need for the flash to be intelligent (that is have any functionality) a standard no frills flash works. It's just a case of trial and error working out the camera settings which work best with the flash.
I want to acknowledge Ken's great work from Wellington Photographic Supplies in Vivian Street, Wellington for taking the time to research this information, test various flashes with a multimetre and find the right answer.
The s7000 can be damaged by flash units in 2 ways. Either immediately if the flash zaps the camera or gradually. Someone I have heard of used a higher voltage flash which after 6 months disabled the s7000 circuitry.
Because the s7000 removes the need for the flash to be intelligent (that is have any functionality) a standard no frills flash works. It's just a case of trial and error working out the camera settings which work best with the flash.
I want to acknowledge Ken's great work from Wellington Photographic Supplies in Vivian Street, Wellington for taking the time to research this information, test various flashes with a multimetre and find the right answer.