
maxmax 300D-ir focus tests

DaniDani Registered Users Posts: 807 Major grins
edited March 13, 2007 in Cameras
Since I use my 10-22 98% of the time I had it set for use with that lens to minimize distortion and have sharp images with that lens

According to maxmax's website..
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]NOTE: If you are sending a Canon camera and use their 10-22mm EFIS lens as your primary lens, let us know. The 10-22mm EFIS has a different IR focal point than most other Canon lenses. If we adjust your camera to be sharp with the 10-22mm lens, then other Canon lenses will not be sharp unless you shoot at F10 or high. If we adjust the camera for normal Canon lenses, the 10-22mm lens with not be sharp especially at the corners at 10mm[/FONT].

Well.. not sharp isn't exactly the word for it... both the 50 and the 70-200 remain quite sharp, but only if you use manual focus.

These shots are with the 50mm f1/8.

50mm AF shots. Subjects were 20-25ft away. Used f/4

center focus point.. focus was on the (blurry) tree in front


I got this same result 20 shots in a row from different positions and focus areas.

Using Manual focus


Another... focus was on the tree trunk


and using MF


It could possibly be argued that I had the AF point positioned in a way that would cause it to lock on the background instead... but I tried several positions on the tree with the same results and I took several AF shots of the top of a bushy pine tree with nothing but sky behind it and none were in focus.

The closer the subject is though, the less of an issue this becomes. Heres a couple of small plants from within 4 feet (at f2.8)



results were about the same with the 70-200, though no where near as pronounced. It's worse at 70mm than it is at 200mm. 200mm AF was practically normal.

I don't have any 10-22 shots to post but so far they all seem to be in focus with (so far) no more corner softness/distortion than when used on my plain 300D.


I'm not complaining here. I requested it be adusted for the 10-22 and knew full well that there would be issues using other lenses. I pretty much never use the 50mm for the type of shots I'll be taking in IR and I only rarely use the 70-200 and when I do it's at 200mm so this is not really an issue for me. In the .5 to 1% of cases where I might use these lenses I have no problems manual focusing.

MaxMax has done a fantastic job with the camera and it does exactly what it was designed to do... which is WIDE ANGLE infrared.

That out of the way... the reason for my posting this was: Before I sent my 300D off I asked several forums if anyone knew what kind of difference the standard adjusted camera and the 10-22 adjusted camera presented and if they had sample photos showing this difference. No one had any information or images to show.

So now this is demonstrated. And the next person that wonders what the 10-22 adjustment entails and if they should opt for that or not, they can be more informed as to what they are getting.

20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates

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    CAMxPosureCAMxPosure Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited March 12, 2007
    itty bitty city in FLaw
    My first reading and it was about what i spent my whole weekend gathering knowledge, and I find someone posting what they might have percieved was useless information - but I assure, that I'm GLAD you posted the info- it was informative- and it made me really think it out... Do I really wanna put forth the effort to spend money and then more to MOD a camera to use soley for infrared - NOT!!!!! unless I had a endless account- MAYBE!!!
    Thank you very much
    CAM Xposureclap.gif
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    DaniDani Registered Users Posts: 807 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2007
    CAM and others.

    Don't let my post scare you away from a dedicated IR cam. That's not my intent. A canon with the standard lens IR focusing adjustment works beautifully and without any AF issues as Andy and others have demonstrated. Nikon and Fuji and Sony don't have this issue... it seems to be only the Canon 10-22 ef-s. My post is to let people know that if they choose the 10-22 focus adjustment, they will have to adapt their focus technique for most other lenses.

    But on another note.. I can see how spending the money for an IR only camera is a big leap! You have to really love IR and do alot of shooting etc. It was feasible for me because I 1) love IR and it's what I shoot mostly and 2) have a photo shoot comming up that calls for an IR camera. My trusty old sony f717 just wasn't enough for me anymore.

    It's also hard to track down a good condition cheap used camera to mod. In hindsight... I could have spent less than 100$ more and had a barely used IR rebel XT, or spent $150 more and had a brand new IR XTi straight from maxmax.

    doh eek7.gif
    CAMxPosure wrote:
    My first reading and it was about what i spent my whole weekend gathering knowledge, and I find someone posting what they might have percieved was useless information - but I assure, that I'm GLAD you posted the info- it was informative- and it made me really think it out... Do I really wanna put forth the effort to spend money and then more to MOD a camera to use soley for infrared - NOT!!!!! unless I had a endless account- MAYBE!!!
    Thank you very much
    CAM Xposureclap.gif

    20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates

    The Blog | The Photos
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    claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2007
    Good info for sure. It's nice to actually have some examples of what they are talking about regarding the differnet lens calibrations.

    I'm still thinking about finding something like a 10D to send off to maxmax or lifepixel to IR mod. As they say, a picture is worth 1000 words here.
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