Is there a way to view the info about folks looking at the images? At a minimum, can we find those sites linking to the photos?
Lee, please click "How To" at the top of the dgrin screen, in the navbar. Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, and get Statcounter and Google Analytics. Both will afford you a wealth of information on who is viewing your photos.
Lee, please click "How To" at the top of the dgrin screen, in the navbar. Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, and get Statcounter and Google Analytics. Both will afford you a wealth of information on who is viewing your photos.
I have google analytics already installed -- and it's great at giving some information. But it's not great at giving the information requested.
I have google analytics already installed -- and it's great at giving some information. But it's not great at giving the information requested.
In Google Analytics, you are probably looking for 'referrals' or where visitors to your photos are coming from (links). To see this, look under "Marketing Optimization" in All Reports. Select "Visitor Segement Performance" and then "Referring Source". This is where all your visitors are coming from. It isn't specific to a page, but you get an idea.
I don't want to know "in general" -- but specific photos -- specific sites that may have them linked.
About the only solution I have heard of that will provide this (and it isnt an analytic package like Google Analytics) is DigiMarc's MyPictureMarc. It is a digital fingerprinting app that provides image tracking. It is fee based.
I hope this helps!
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I have google analytics already installed -- and it's great at giving some information. But it's not great at giving the information requested.
Referring sites is available in GA....
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I don't want to know "in general" -- but specific photos -- specific sites that may have them linked.
About the only solution I have heard of that will provide this (and it isnt an analytic package like Google Analytics) is DigiMarc's MyPictureMarc. It is a digital fingerprinting app that provides image tracking. It is fee based.
Would give you what you are looking for?
They are down right now but check them out in a day or so.
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