Stats streamlining
Hi there,
I think this has come up before, but it was a bit of muddled post/request.
The question is, is there any way of linking a gallery or even a subcategory to it's own stats and it's own stats only?
I currently have 79 galleries, and they are on the increase. To have to trawl through reams and reams of stats to find a specific gallery is starting to become a pain, and it is impossible to get a mental overview of what is going on.
Perhaps if the stats were listed with gallery title and total number of hits in a list, and then you could click on the gallery name and that would take you to the graph. Would that work? Or could total hits for each gallery be automatically displayed when you open the gallery itself? That would actually be ideal. Then, if you wanted more detailed information, you could still go to the stats page.
What do you reckon, guys?
I think this has come up before, but it was a bit of muddled post/request.
The question is, is there any way of linking a gallery or even a subcategory to it's own stats and it's own stats only?
I currently have 79 galleries, and they are on the increase. To have to trawl through reams and reams of stats to find a specific gallery is starting to become a pain, and it is impossible to get a mental overview of what is going on.
Perhaps if the stats were listed with gallery title and total number of hits in a list, and then you could click on the gallery name and that would take you to the graph. Would that work? Or could total hits for each gallery be automatically displayed when you open the gallery itself? That would actually be ideal. Then, if you wanted more detailed information, you could still go to the stats page.
What do you reckon, guys?
In the mean time, you can enjoy direct access to you gallery stats from Smugmug Explorer (assuming you're PC user). It's kinda rudimentary now, but I have some enhancements plans for the future..:-)
There seems to be a lot of stuff missing on my pc that stops me from getting the smugmug explorer files to work. I'm going to keep trying, but in the meantime, I still look forward to a response from smugmug folks to the above.
Ok.. so I've downloaded it, and I can see it, but when I go to connect, it doesn't connect. In the original settings menu, when it's askin for the co-brand url... what exactly does it want? Which address do I need to give it? Coz I think maybe this is where it's going wrong. I'm not sure that even though I have a co-branded header, that I have a specific URL for that.. or do I?
I get the following error message when I run the test in the smugmug account editor or when I try the F9 command, or select connect from the file dropdown menu:
25/01/2005 12:07:57: Started Logging in to
25/01/2005 12:08:07: Post failed: (-1)
25/01/2005 12:08:07:
Unknown error
It does, however, connect to "open settings for yblume" and "open stats for yblume".
How does SE get at those stats? Screen-scraping?
Sorry about your troubles, it seems like you didn't provide enough signup info for SE to connect you. Or - you forgot to download SSL files and did not uncheck SSL login options. Or - you're behind (SSL) firewall, which may limit SE capabilities to connect. Unfortunatel, your post didn't give enough info to give you a more solid advice..:-(
Co-branding - you can leave it empty. It is mostly for pro users with a registered domain name who want to see thier domain name instead of
Essentially, you need to provide the same information as you use for smugmug itself (username and email). SE tries to minimize password usage and only asks for it if the hashed info is not available.
Please let me know if you have any further questions..
I wish we had more statistics related API.. It'd be so much fun..