Opinion on reading material

I am thinking about getting some new reading material to continue my learning process. I am hoping some of you have purchased these and have an opinion of weather they are worth the time to read. If not, please give me some good suggestions. I all ready purchased Understanding Exposure :thumb before everybody suggests it.
1. The digital photography Book by Scott Kelby
2. Nikon D50 digital Field Guide by David Busch
3. Nikon Creative Light Systems Digital Field Guide by Dennis Thomas
1. The digital photography Book by Scott Kelby
2. Nikon D50 digital Field Guide by David Busch
3. Nikon Creative Light Systems Digital Field Guide by Dennis Thomas
I would spend time actually reading the 2 nikon books at the nearest Barnes and Noble or Borders books before purchasing them...especially #2 to see if I really needed to spend money on it...them..
Book #1 for me was well worth the money paid for it.
Good Luck.
Not a tome on digital photography, but a real how-to book.
A GREAT buy. Really useful practical tips.
body: canon 400d
lenses: 50mm 1.8 & 10-22mm
Grant Shapiro Design & Photography
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
You can also find alternatives to the Nikon books. Usually published by Magic
Lantern (if you lose the manual, they are excellent substitutes).