SOLD: Canon 100-300 f/5.6L, $330

The lens is sold! This lens is very sharp and I'm impressed with the outcome, but I shoot orchestra concerts and need an f/2.8. It comes with the hood, UV filter, both front and rear lens caps and the original Canon soft case. When I bought the lens from another FM member, he had etched his info on the body (can hardly see it)--does in no way affect photo quality.
Price is lowered to $295, shipped & paypal; US only. Please PM or email me if intersted.
Here are a couple of my photo galleries using the 100-300L.
Thanks! -debbie
Anymore details about this lens? Year of manufacture? Could you post some shots of the front and back of the lens? Mahalo.
Previous owner etched his info on the barrel; does not affect image at all.
I'll try to get photos of the front and rear of the lens.
I lowered the price to $295, shipped/Paypal. US only, thanks! -debbie
The lens is sold, thanks all for your interest! -debbie