LPS #1, take 2

Well, how about steamy this time?
Magic Steam

Canon 30D + EF-S 17-85 + 580EX + tripod
Processed in PS CS3
Magic Steam

Canon 30D + EF-S 17-85 + 580EX + tripod
Processed in PS CS3
"May the f/stop be with you!"
It's an honor hearing this from the King of The Kitchen! Thank you, Sire!
So, Doug, which one do you like more: chilled glasses or the steaming kettle?
I like the steaming kettle better, the glasses were nice but the left glass with the fire above the glass didnt quite look right for me. Besides im working on a glass lol. will see how it works.
I never had a single doubt that you were joking :-)
The fact is, I'm undecided. Chilled... Steamy... Steamed... Chilling...
Here, in the SoCal version of the Wysteria Lane, we don't get neither Real Cold for the snow/ice (actually, it hit 90 today:-), nor any industry for the Real Steam. It's the 'burbs as far as you can see. Very,very nice to live
So the only hurricane I can get would be in my glass :-)
Glad to hear it. Also glad to see no hurricanes in your area. None around here either thankfully. Not much of anything around here actually lol, just have to try to get creative or travel a bit sometimes for photo ops.
I think your 1st image is much more interesting.
It's a different image, with a totally different subject...
Thanks for commenting!
Duly noted! :saurora
And having just tried lighting steam, I can say with authority
my stuff is here.....
BTW, it sure is hard to get the Chilled feeling here in SoCal right now.
Well, snow & ice here isn't a problem, the harbour outside the window is a sheet of ice as for as the eye can see. Funny how photos of it don't look cold.
I'm voting for the kettle and puff of steam. I like the shot for it's beauty and simplicity. Very pretty to look at.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thank you for your feedback!
Well, I can honestly say it took me about 40-50 shots in 3 sesssions to come out with this version, so, to your point, yes, it requires some work:-)
Yeah, they say it was 94 yesterday and it was the record hot - again...
Thank you for your opinion, I do appreciate it!
Yes, this is my biggest concern for now with this shot: the literality of the interpretation. My biggest bet with it is the technical aspect, but we all know that technicality loses to artisticity more often than not...
To answer your question -- what do I think? -- I think it's magnificent. But to your point Nikolai, I'd agree that it's technically magnificent as opposed to take-my-breath-away magnificent.
But then again, I'm the kind of guy who watches a magician and spends his entire time trying to figure our how the trick was done, as opposed to simply enjoying the magic.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Thank you for you time and comments!
Well, let me say for now that the secret lies with curves
Enjoy the magic!
Kind of cool Nik but it lacks that "got your attention and am keeping it" mood. I love the light and steam but something else needs to be in the frame enveloped by it or affected by it. You glasses shot was beautiful and a great contrast from hot to cold (hence, chilled/steamy).
My 3 cents worth (don't spend it all in one place)
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Thank you, appreciate the feedback!