Youth Lacrosse !!
last game of the season here :deal
Thought i would post up a few to share !
Feedback allways appreciated !

Thought i would post up a few to share !
Feedback allways appreciated !

nice work
thanks randy !!
it was a 300 f4 shot at f5.6 ~ 1/1000th or so ....
Thanks for looking !
Fortunately we still have several weeks of the high school and college season left here for me to get my annual "photographing lacrosse" fix.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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another just out of curosity question for ya, I'm looking at getting a 300 f4 for soccer, lacrosse, and baseball, and I was wondering how does this lens perform for you and do you use the af-s version or the older non af-s one?
im sooo jelous ... !!
I have the AFS and honestly.... its a good lens... easy to hand hold ... but i just wish it would focus faster.... i dont know if it's my camera (d200) of the lense thats holding me back ....but my guess is that it's the glass.... but 1/1000 of a second focus speed difference wont kill me i guess... lol
If you can swing the budget to get the f2.8 i would say go for that instead but if not then the 300 f4 AFS is definately a solid lens to considder !!