Integrate SmugMug with my own site?

Can I have SmugMug galleries integrated with my current website? .. in other words have a seperate section of my site dedicated to SmugMug but have it appear seamless to the visitor?
Sorry if this has been asked and answered to death but I looked at the FAQ and did not see anything on it.
Sorry if this has been asked and answered to death but I looked at the FAQ and did not see anything on it.
There are several ways you could achieve this result, depending on your level of expertise.
Firstly, say your main website was, you could point to smugmug (requires pro account). Then style your smugmug pages to what you use on your website (pro or power account)
Alternatively, you could do some integration via smugmug's api. This methods requires alot more expertise, and I would only suggest this method if you really know what you're doing.
Using the first method, a lot more people will be able to help you here on dgrin.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
in terms of customising your site, post questions....people like Barb and Ivar will help you out
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
That's what I need .. except no blog. I'd use SmugMug to create & manage galleries. But I need simple solutions .. I'm still not sure if HTML is something I write or need a prescription for
In addition to my own domain I have a Flickr site which is great for creating sets and making changes & additions to photo sets as everything is basically drag & drop, but the look is limited and really can't be integrated into my site that I'm aware of.
Thanks for all replies and I'll spend some time over at the SmugMug site this weekend and see what's up.