brooke wrote: I'm in the 14 day trial and have set up a gallery. But it won't let anyone besides me purchase photos, how can I fix this?
brooke wrote: I tried using the help and it didn't help. Can you actually sell photos to others using the 14 day trial?
brooke wrote: It's still not letting me sell photos to others?
Have a start here:
Also, give us your site link so we can help you more easily?
I hope this helps! Please do write back if you have more questions. Oh and don't forget the other great pro resources in my signature below.
All the best,
Andy (GM, House Pro)
SmugMug Pro Resources, here:
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Can you actually sell photos to others using the 14 day trial?
Be sure you are at the pro account level (change it in control panel if you need to) and set your prices, and off you go.
If you have more questions, holler!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
the second photo, indeed, does show up with your custom prices.
Be sure and look in a logged-out browser, like I say on my Pro Start page
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