LPS#1 Frozen Air

I know we got a lot of ice this week, but the theme lends itself to it. Plus I just got my new macro lens and it's way easier to macro ice then steam 
So which picture/crop/color you guys like best? Or any other comments?

So which picture/crop/color you guys like best? Or any other comments?

Very nice idea in general, but...
Neither- IMHO
First is a cool abstract, albeit a little on a soft side.
Second one has the green coloration that has no obvious explanation and can be treated as dirt, inaccuracy, light's fall off - in any case, a distraction, at least compared to a rather pure shot #1.
Hmmm I take it this doesn't really look like ice? Shoot.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I'm sorry, but not to me
I mean, I can guess that's it's probably an ice, but it's not my immediate reaction.
Cool shot though!
If anyone wants to take the time to check out the photos and see if they like any, I'd apreciate it. Thank you.
PS: Looks like North East is getting some snow tommorow, so I may yet get some shots in.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I looked it over (man, is the server slow or is it just me?)
I liked this one more than the others: http://www.divshare.com/download/232235-fa1
However, I must say that they all look just like snapshots
On the bright side, I've seen your other work and I'm sure you can pull it.
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1. Frozen Rain on my car.
2. Evergreens
3. More evergreens
4. Pinecone (or a very sneaky armadillo).
5. Sharpened and de-sticked bird.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
My thoughts:
- It does not tell me anything about the car, but it does look chilled.

- Nice, but looks somehow similar to Tlee and Pemmett entries, you'd be at disadvantage
- same as #2
- Again, no clue this is a pinecone; In general, less punch than #1
- Well, it's a bird and the snowy background.... If the theme were "bird or snow"...

HTHI vote for this one!
Spasibo za feedback
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Ne za chto :-)
In any case, the choice is yours, and I'm not the judge (this time
May try some bold LAB curves on #3?