Study for LPS#1
Full frame:

Possible crop:

I am going to be re-shooting this tonight or tomorrow to clean up some stray reflections and other bits and pieces. I'll also try a few other takes on this subject.
Some questions:
Do you get the theme? Or is the reference too obscure?
How do you feel about the crop?

Possible crop:

I am going to be re-shooting this tonight or tomorrow to clean up some stray reflections and other bits and pieces. I'll also try a few other takes on this subject.
Some questions:
Do you get the theme? Or is the reference too obscure?
How do you feel about the crop?
Liquid Air - Gallery - Blog
Very clean shooting, as always!
Quite often less is more, hence I like the crop better.
Unfortunately, I don't think this - otherwise great - image conveys either of the suggested themes...
I had few similar ideas/attempts (even with the similar lighting:-) and dropped them since they all were looking like the frigging magazine ads for Skyy...
I wonder if we end up tie again :-)
Martiny is my middle name, but for me (being Russian and all, anybody who has ever had a drink with me - and there are quite a few dgrinners here :-)- can vouch for me drink-wise) this shot does not convey "chilled"...
Yet it's spelling seems to evade you.
Liquid...he's just worried your martini shot will be better than his.
Too much sake over the lunch.. so what?
I wouldn't be commenting then...
As for looking for advertising: I have no problem with that in principle. The challenge of advertizing-style shots is that day in and day out we are surrounded very high budget advertizing images so the standards are higher. If you aren't up to snuff, the first thing people will think is "I just saw better than that" when what they saw was $30,000 magazine spread. I think there's more risk with advertising-style shots, but it is supposed to be a challenge...
I like the idea of the floating shaker; there are a lot of visual possibilities and black on black lighting is very cool. My concern about that route is that image will start to look like a magic trick which takes me even further from the theme. I can see a great shot with a top hat, cane and shaker held by a disembodied white glove. But I think I'll save that idea for another day...
Thanks for your ideas and comments. I'm going to keep on shooting and see what turns up in the next few days.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Thanks. I tried adding ice (which, of course, doesn't belong in a martini) and a little color:
A tie with you is no small achievement; I'll take it gladly. Especially in this round where getting in the top ten is all that counts...
I love this image. I vote this one =c) The Photo Section
It looks awesome!
My thoughts towards you exactly...
I think we should have one of those (in your picture) sometime...
Thanks. I tried one more idea to convey chilled--freezing the glass.
The glass:
The pour:
And a detail from the pour: The Photo Section
What PP said!
This one is really great!
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus